פרופ׳ דני בן-צבי
פרסומים נבחרים
יצירת קשר
פרופ' דני בן-צבי הינו פרופסור מן המניין בפקולטה לחינוך, אוניברסיטת חיפה. הוא ראש החוג למדעי הלמידה וההוראה, חבר ההנהלה האקדמית של המרכז לקידום מדע אזרחי בבית הספר (TCSS) ונשיא נבחר של הארגון הבינלאומי לחינוך סטטיסטי (IASE).
תחומי עניין
פיתוח חשיבה סטטיסטית בקרב לומדים צעירים, הוראה ולמידה של סטטיסטיקה, קהילות למידה הומניסטיות שיתופיות מוגברות טכנולוגיה, עיצוב סביבות למידה מוגברות טכנולוגיה.
פרסומים נבחרים
Dvir, M., & Ben-Zvi, D. (2021). Informal statistical models and modeling. Mathematical Thinking and Learning. https://doi.org/10.1080/10986065.2021.1925842
Dvir, M., & Ben-Zvi, D. (2021). The double-edged sword of conjecturing. Mathematical Thinking and Learning. https://doi.org/10.1080/10986065.2021.1940427
Cohen, E., & Ben-Zvi, D. (2020). Text, context, and knowledge building: creating, crisscrossing and rising above the idea landscape of Jewish identity. Journal of Jewish Education, 86(4), 416-445.
Hefetz, G., & Ben-Zvi, D. (2020). How do communities of practice transform their practices? Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 26, 100410.
Burrill, G., & Ben-Zvi, D. (Eds.) (2019). Topics and trends in current statistics education research: International perspectives. Springer.
Ben-Zvi, D., Makar, K., & Garfield J. (Eds.) (2018). International handbook of research in statistics education. Springer international handbooks of education. Springer.
Aridor, K., & Ben-Zvi, D. (2018). Statistical modeling to promote students' aggregate reasoning with sample and sampling. ZDM – International Journal on Mathematics Education, 50(7), 1165-1181.
Ben-Zvi, D., Gravemeijer, K., & Ainley, J. (2018). Design of statistics learning environments. In D. Ben-Zvi, K. Makar, & J. Garfield (Eds.), International handbook of research in statistics education (pp. 473-502). Springer.
Dvir, M., & Ben-Zvi, D. (2018). The role of model comparison in young learners' reasoning with statistical models and modeling. ZDM – International Journal on Mathematics Education, 50(7), 1183-1196.
Hod, Y., Bielaczyc, K., & Ben-Zvi, D. (2018). Revisiting learning communities: Innovations in theory and practice. Instructional Science, 46(4), 489-506.
Pfannkuch, M., Ben-Zvi, D., & Budgett, S. (2018). Innovations in statistical modeling to connect data, chance and context. ZDM – International Journal on Mathematics Education, 50(7), 1113-1123.
Biehler, R., Ben-Zvi, D., Bakker, A., & Makar, K. (2013). Technology for enhancing statistical reasoning at the school level. In M. A. Clements, A. Bishop, C. Keitel, J. Kilpatrick, and F. Leung (Eds.), Third International Handbook of Mathematics Education (pp. 643-690). Springer.
Ben-Zvi, D., Aridor, K., Makar, K., & Bakker, A. (2012). Students’ emergent articulations of uncertainty while making informal statistical inferences. ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 44(7), 913-925.
Makar, K., Bakker, A., & Ben-Zvi, D. (2011). The reasoning behind informal statistical inference. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 13(1-2), 152-173.
Garfield, J., & Ben-Zvi, D. (2008). Developing students’ statistical reasoning: connecting research and teaching practice. Springer.
Chance, B., Ben-Zvi, D., Garfield, J., & Medina, E. (2007). The role of technology in improving student learning of statistics. Technology Innovations in Statistics Education, 1(1), Article 2.
Garfield, J., & Ben-Zvi, D. (2007). How students learn statistics revisited: A current review of research on teaching and learning statistics. International Statistical Review, 75(3), 372-396.
Ben-Zvi, D. (2006). Scaffolding students’ informal inference and argumentation. In A. Rossman and B. Chance (Eds.), Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Teaching Statistics (CD-ROM), Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, July 2006. Voorburg, The Netherlands: International Statistical Institute.
Ben-Zvi, D., & Garfield, J. (2004). The challenge of developing statistical literacy, reasoning, and thinking. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers (Springer).
Ben-Zvi, D., & Arcavi, A. (2001). Junior high school students’ construction of global views of data and data representations. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 45, 35-65.
Ben-Zvi, D. (2000). Toward understanding the role of technological tools in statistical learning. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 2(1&2), 127-155.
יצירת קשר
פרטי יצירת קשר
חדר: 432
שעת קבלה: בתיאום בדוא"ל